A New Year

Happy new year!

January has a lovely vibe. It’s so satisfying to turn the page on an old year and start again. This year, I have chosen to live by themes rather than set resolutions and goals. Themes live in the realm of what I can control. They focus me on how I am being and my own actions and help me to let go of outside results that I cannot control.

My themes this year:

On movement: this morning I started with my first workout of the year. Felt great to do it.

Connection will be about connecting with the world beyond my home.

Patience is primarily around how I practice communication with my family and also has so much to teach me in every area of my life.

Since January is often about looking forward, I was inspired this morning to write a poem.

Poem for the New Year

I seek

To ground myself in the moment;

To reconnect with the stillness;

To love, to laugh, to play;

To be with enoughness, inside and out;

To know again what lives beneath the surface;

To swim in those depths;

To rise again, changed;

And reveal myself, open, new, vulnerable;


Today’s Gratitude

For this process, for creating space, for life. For themes.

Today’s Affirmation & Intention

You are enough. You are connected to the beautiful movement of the world and you can trust yourself to dance with it gracefully.

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