Fifteen Minutes

"Can I really do something of meaning in the fifteen minutes that I have?”

This is a persistent thought of mine. It is a thought that I often let in, unwittingly thwarting any chance of action.

In fact, a piece of music is played in 3-4 minutes. A guitar solo is maybe a minute or two. Usain Bolt won the 100 meter in less than 10 seconds. Meaningful action can take place in a shockingly short period of time.

Of course, you cannot know which moment will be the one that matters. All you can do is show up.

So yes, I can make something of meaning in these few precious moments. Who’s to say this won’t be the fifteen minutes that count?

Am I really so prescient as to predict that? If I am, I’ll be the first in history. I suppose that would be something.


I am grateful I showed up this morning. It really does make all the difference. There’s a weight that lifts off of me and the rest of my just better.

And if you’re here reading this, thank you! It means a lot to me that you took the time to share in these words of mine. I hope you find something in them worth taking with you.

Affirmation & Intention

It makes a difference when you show up. Anyone can show up. But only you can show up and be you.

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